Dear friends, we are deeply saddened by the loss of Jana Olson, who died July 15, 2024
This page will be updated as soon as we are able.
Clients who have work at Panache Lighting may contact Alex Marchant (510) 290-0228
Panache Lighting specializes in the repair and restoration of older lights. We can rewire either in antique style or to latest codes; we can repair most types of damage; we can refinish in patina, plating, or painting. We have a large stock of old parts and antique style parts, and we have many single shades which may match one you’re missing.
Jana Olson, the owner of Panache Lighting, has many years of experience in the field of antique lighting. She was previously the owner of Omega Lighting Design, in Berkeley, a store specializing in “things to make your old house look old.”
This is one of two large brass chandeliers made by Bradley and Hubbard that were originally gas light fixtures. They were brought to Panache Lighting in terrible condition with bent and broken parts. The fixtures were repaired and rewired.
Detail of Bradley and Hubbard chandelier.
This was a lovely handmade circle of brass with simplified leaf and flower design around it. It was lined with silver mica and electrified. The glass circle, chains, and compatible canopy were added.
Another light fixture using some old lighting parts and found objects. The ring is antique, lined in silver mica with added clamps, and the bottom is made of an antique music box “record”.
This light fixture is made of an old embroidery hoop, wooden bobbins, terra cotta cupids holding sewing implements, and button tassels and chains.
The “Bernard” uses design motifs originally developed by Julia Morgan for a sconce, including the quatrefoil cutouts. It also uses a gothic yin-yang motif inspired by the clients’ home and is lit with LED bulbs.