Oleg Lobykin — Stonesculpt


Oleg Lobykin — Stonesculpt
650 575-9683


Oleg Lobykin is a sculptor, specializing in the Old World craft of stone carving, working in limestone, marble, granite and other natural stone varieties, he creates contemporary designs that can be either representational or abstract. Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, Oleg’s original work explores the origins of form and a harmony of contradictions between chaos and order, light / darkness, good / bad, etc.

As a Master Stone Carver, since 2001 Oleg has operated Stonesculpt, a company that specializes in the restoration of landmark architecture and custom fine stonework. The company creates architectural elements, garden ornaments, fountains, public monuments, original sculpture, public art, relief sculpture, statuary, fireplace mantels, etching, and limestone fireplace. Any of these can be done from blueprints, photographs, models, or sketches.

Stonesculpt can also do lettering in any stone, using either traditional or modern letter forms. Projects may include professional custom design or incorporate contracted designs supplied by client.

The company has completed original stonework and restoration projects for a variety of diverse clients including The Presidio Trust and Macy’s Department Store in San Francisco, Independent Film Festival in Los Angeles, Park La Brea Apartments in L.A., and Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.